@article{oai:hue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000304, author = {松田, 亮 and 湯浅, 理枝 and 松尾, 晋典 and Matsuda, Ryo and Yuasa, Rie and Matsuo, Shinsuke}, issue = {1}, journal = {広島経済大学研究論集, HUE Journal of Humanities, Social and Natural Science}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, The aim of this study was to examine “honesty” as a personality trait in the setting of sports, as experienced by 243 university students (199 males and 44 females) who had experienced, or continued to experience, sports club activities. The analysis was based on contexts extracted from free description responses by using text mining to identify the factors that constituted “honesty.” The results suggested the following:|1) The global structure of “honesty” can be expressed in two dimensions of “understanding (self–others)” and “behavior (covert–overt).”|2) The factors that constitute the local structure of “honesty” can be classified into six clusters, namely “sensitivity,” “expression,” “listening,” “execution,” “accepting others,” and “self-acceptance.”|3) “Honesty” can be formed through the process of development.|4) Examination of “honesty” in the present study suggested that the psychological aspects of physical activities are strongly associated with non-cognitive abilities.|These findings provide an understanding of the global and local structures of “honesty” in the setting of sports activities. Although the results are limited to the setting of sports activities, no previous studies have taken this kind of approach by focusing on “honesty.” These findings therefore offer important insights for future studies.}, pages = {31--41}, title = {スポーツ活動の場合で用いられている「素直さ」の検証─テキストマイニングによる自由記述回答の分析を通して─}, volume = {44}, year = {2021}, yomi = {マツダ, リョウ and ユアサ, リエ and マツオ, シンスケ} }